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Title TESOL Worldwide Events - September
Date 2007.08.16
The following is a list of TESOL events throughout August and September. Further information on these events can be obtained from the event organizers or their associated websites. September 2007 5-8. (Europe and Eurasia) EUROCALL, "Mastering Multimedia: Teaching Through Technology," Coleraine, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom. Web site http://www.eurocall-languages.org. 5-7. (Europe and Eurasia) Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación-Universidad de Barcelona, Ier Congreso Internacional Nuevas Tendencias en la Formación Permanente del Profesorado, Barcelona, España . E-mail congresformacioice@ub.edu. Web site http://ice.ub.es/congresformacio/. 6-8. (Europe and Eurasia) INGED, English Language Teaching Association, "Stretching Boundaries," Ankara, Turkey. E-mail aydanersoz@yahoo.com. Web site http://www.inged.org.tr. 6-8. (Europe and Eurasia) British Associaton for Applied Linguistics, "Technology, Ideology and Practice in Applied Linguistics," University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom. E-mail BAAL07@education.ed.ac.uk. Web site http://www.baal.org.uk/conf2007/index.htm. 13-15. (Asia and Oceania) English Australia, "Diversity: a Catalyst for Innovation," Sofitel Wentworth Hotel, Sydney, Australia. E-mail kathbrandon@englishaustralia.com.au. Web site http://www.englishaustralia.com.au. 14-16. (Central and South America) Panama TESOL, "Language: An Integrating Factor." E-mail carlosp11@cwpanama.net. 15-17. (Asia and Oceania) Symposium on Second Language Writing 2007, "Second Language Writing in the Pacific Rim," Nagoya Gakuin University, Nagoya, Japan. E-mail tony@purdue.edu. Web site http://sslw.jsls.org. 27-30. (North America) ANUPI TESOL, "Opening New Horizons in ELT," NH Krystal Hotel, Puerto Vallarta Jalisco, Mexico. E-mail asociacion@anupi.org.mx. 29. (North America) Three Rivers TESOL, "Linking Theory to Practice," Indiana University of PA, Hadley Union Building, Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA. E-mail smischler@gplc.org. Web site www.3rtesol.org.