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Title TESOL Worldwide Events - July
Date 2007.06.25
The following is a list of TESOL events throughout July. Further information on these events can be obtained from the event organizers or their associated websites. July 1-3. (Asia and Oceania) Applied Linguistics Association of Australia, "Making a Difference: Challenges for Applied Linguistics," University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW Australia. Web site http://www.uow.edu.au/conferences/ALAA/home.html. 4-6. (Central and South America) ACPI, "Special Curriculum: Inclusion of Students with Sensory and Cognitive Disabilities in the Language Class," Universidad De La Salle, San José, Costa Rica. E-mail acpi_tesol@hotmail.com. 9-20. (North America) Indiana Center for Intercultural Communication, English for Specific Purposes Institute, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) campus, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. E-mail icic@iupui.edu. Web site http://www.iupui.edu/~icic/. 19-20. (Central and South America) Paraguay TESOL, "Impacting Minds Changing the World," Centro Cultural Paraguayo Americano, Asuncion, Paraguay. E-mail paratesol@yahoo.com. 21. (North America) Frontier College, "New Faces, Safe Spaces: Creating a Positive Learning Environment For Immigrant and Refugee Learners," Britannia High School, Vancouver, British Columbia. E-mail Vancouver@frontiercollege.ca. 31-August 2. (Central and South America) Peru TESOL, "Shortening Global Distances by Making English Learning Easier," Binational Center, 146 Coronel Bustios Street, Tacna, Peru. E-mail perutesoler0470@yahoo.com. Web site http://perutesol.homestead.com/peru.html. August 9-11. (Central and South America) Congreso Internacional de Profesores de Ingles, "Inside the EFL classroom: Sharing Strategies for Successful Teaching and Learning," Hotel del Valle, Arica, Chile. E-mail jaimepablog@yahoo.com. Web site http://www.uta.cl/10cipi/.