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Title TESOL Worldwide Events, November 2005
Date 2005.11.02
November 2005 3-5. (North America) 2005 TexTESOL State Conference, "No Teacher Left Behind," Renaissance Dallas-Richardson Hotel and the Eisemann Performing Arts Center, Richardson, Texas, USA. Web site http://www.textesolv.org/. 4-5. (Europe and Eurasia) Mediterranean Editors' and Translators' Network, "Interdisciplinary Collaboration--International Communication." Contact M.E. Kerans for information and the call for papers, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Health Sciences Faculty, Carrer Josep Trueta s/n, 08195 Sant Cugat del Valles, Barcelona, Spain, E-mail mekerans@csc.unica.edu. Web site http://www.metmeetings.org/index.htm. 4-5. (North America) Colorado TESOL Conference, "The World of ESL," Radisson Southeast Denver Hotel and Convention Center, Aurora, Colorado, USA. Contact Larry R. Fisher, Executive Secretary, CoTESOL, 63 UCB, Boulder, Colorado 80309-0063 USA, Tel. 303-735-4234, Fax 303-492-5515, E-mail Larry.Fisher@colorado.edu. Web site http://www.colorado.edu/iec/cotesol. 4-5. (North America) The Neag School of Education, 2nd Annual Conference on Leadership in Bilingual Education, "Establishing Collaborative Leadership in Multilingual/Multicultural Learning Communities," University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, USA. E-mail mgort@uconn.edu. Web site http://faculty.education.uconn.edu/edci/mgort/bilingualconference.html. 4-5. (North America) Minnesota TESOL (MinneTESOL) conference, Minneapolis Community and Technical College, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Contact Patsy Vinogradov, PO Box 141072, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 USA, Tel. 763-592-0494, E-mail patsy@minnetesol.org. Web site http://www.minnetesol.org. 5. (North America) Penn TESOL-East, "Meeting Diverse Needs," Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. E-mail klee@cheltenham.org. Web site www.penntesoleast.org. 9-11. (Asia and Oceania) International Conference on Critical Discourse Analysis: Theory into Research, Tasmania, Australia. Web site http://www.educ.utas.edu.au/conference. 10-12. (North America) SPEAQ Annual Convention 2005, "Culturally Speaking," Hilton Bonaventure Hotel, Montreal, Quebec H2R 2Y1, Canada. Contact Diane Hamel, Director of Convention, 7400 BOUL St-Laurent, Suite 530, Montreal, Quebec H2R 2Y1, Canada. Tel, 514-271-3700, Fax 514-271-4587, E-mail speaq@aquops.qc.ca. Web site http://www.speaq.qc.ca/. 11-13. (Europe and Eurasia) The Business English Special Interest Group of IATEFL, The International University of Monaco and the Marriott Hotel. E-mail Raul.Marchena@besig.org. Web site http://www.besig.org. 11-12. (North America) MITESOL Fall Conference 2005, "State of the Art: Excellence in TESOL," Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. E-mail wilson77@msu.edu. Web site http://www.mitesol.org. 11-13. (Asia and Oceania) The 14th International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching, hosted by English Teachers' Association Taiwan (ETA-ROC), "Bridging the Gap: Teaching and Learning," Chien Tan Overseas Youth Activity Center, Taipei, Taiwan. Contact Andy Leung, E-mail etaroc2002@yahoo.com.tw. Web site http://www.eta.org.tw/. 11-12. (Europe and Eurasia) EXPOLINGUA Praha, International Exhibition for Languages and Studying Abroad. Contact ICWE GmbH, Ms. Cornelia Horn, Leibnizstr. 32, D - 10625 Berlin, Germany, Tel. +49-30-327 6140, Fax +49-30-324 9833, E-mail prague@expolingua.com. Web site http://www.expolingua.cz/. 11-12. (North America) Ohio TESOL conference, "TESOL: Now, More Than Ever," Hilton Inn-Easton Mall, Columbus, Ohio, USA. Contact Amy Spencer, 1216 Sunbury Road, Columbus, Ohio 43219 USA, Tel. 614-251-4511, E-mail spencera@ohiodominican.edu. Web site http://www.ohiotesol.org. 11-12. (Africa and the Middle East) "On the Road to Sustainable Excellence: Communicating Across the Curriculum," The American University in Cairo, Egypt. E-mail cacprop@aucegypt.edu. Web site http://www.aucegypt.edu/academic/wpconference/. 14-16. (Asia and Oceania) Faculty of Communication and Modern Languages, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Inaugural International Conference on the Teaching and Learning of English in Asia: Towards an Asia Perspective. Contact Chairperson, TLEiA 1, FKBM, Universiti Utara Malaysia, 06010 Sintok, Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia, E-mail syaharom@uum.edu.my. Web site http://www.uum.edu.my/fkbm/tleia1. 17-22. (North America) The 95th Annual Convention of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. The theme for this year's convention is "On Common Ground." Call NCTE's Customer Service Department toll free at 877-369-6283 for more information. Web site http://www.ncte.org/profdev/conv/annual. 17-19. (North America) Annual TESL Ontario Conference 2005, "Our Visions, Our Voices," Holiday Inn on King, Toronto, Canada. Contact Jean Hamilton, Conference Coordinator, TESL Ontario, 27 Carlton Street, Suite 405, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1L2 Canada, Tel. 416-593-4243, Fax 416-593-0164, E-mail teslontario@telus.net. Web site http://www.teslontario.org/. 18-19. (Europe and Eurasia) TESOL France conference, "Learning by Acting in a Professional Environment," Paris, France. Contact Annie Gresle, 29 rue Jules Joffrin, 94100 Saint-Maur, France, Tel. 011-33-1-43-97-09-88, Fax 011-33-1-45-81-73-88, E-mail Anniegres@aol.com. Web site http://www.tesol-france.org. 18-20. (Europe and Eurasia) EXPOLINGUA Berlin, International Fair for Languages and Cultures (with extensive seminar programme covering different aspects of language learning and teaching). Contact ICWE GmbH, Ms. Silke Lieber, Leibnizstr. 32, D-10625 Berlin, Germany, Tel. +49-30-327 6140, Fax +49-30-324 9833, E-mail info@expolingua.com. Web site http://www.expolingua.com/. 26-27. (Europe and Eurasia) St. Petersburg English Language Teachers Association (SPELTA) conference, "The Open World of English," St. Petersburg, Russia. Contact Tatiana Ivanova, E-mail tivanova@ti2705.spb.edu. Web site http://spelta.spb.ru. 30-December 1. (Europe and Eurasia) ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN, International Conference on Technology Supported Learning and Training, Hotel InterContinental Berlin, Germany. Contact Eva-Maria Osiander, ICWE GmbH, Leibnizstr. 32, D-10625 Berlin, Germany, Tel. +49-30-327 6140, Fax +49-30-324 9833, E-mail info@online-educa.com. Web site http://www.online-educa.com/.